Monday, January 14, 2008

A Visit to My Old Neighborhood

After the pizza gathering, I visited the neighborhood where I grew up. Here is my elementary school, where I enjoyed 3 happy years ... out of the 9 years I attended school there.

I went to see the house where I grew up. It looked like someone was living there, so I didn't go inside. :-)

The neighbors had a sign in front of their house...

The church courtyard looks nice, and there is a new playground with an awning over it.

I lived in Scottsdale from age three to age fourteen ~ that seemed like a huge chunk of my life at the time, but now it's been 32 years since I moved! Am I really that old??!

1 comment:

Holden Hansen said...

Yes you are that old. Love, your brother (age 47).

I am thinking of putting up a sign about dog defecation. But I will put it up inside my house for my family to read. But they will ignore it.