Saturday, January 12, 2008

PeerTrainer Gathering in Arizona

Today I arrived in Phoenix for the marathon. After picking up my packet, I met two of my PeerTrainer buddies for lunch. Molly and Kendall (and Kendall's sister Michelle) and I met at 101 Bistro in downtown Phoenix.

(That's Kendall on the left, me in the middle, and Molly on the right. Michelle is in the stripes.)

It was great meeting these ladies in person, who are a support and inspiration online!

Ironically, I did not eat healthy food, even though this group is all about healthy eating! I saw the nachos with the guacamole and sour cream and melted cheese, and that is what I wanted to eat! I think there was a bean or two in there somewhere amongst the greasy chips. Beans are a SuperFood! :-) Fortunately, I have an opportunity to run it off tomorrow. It's not what you do once in awhile that will make a difference -- it's what you do consistently! So the nachos were a rare treat that I thoroughly enjoyed!

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