Monday, January 14, 2008

Arizona Rock'n'Roll Marathon

I completed my 19th marathon in my 19th state! The P.F. Chang's Rock'n'Roll Arizona Marathon took place January 13, 2008, in Phoenix, Scottsdale (where I grew up) and Tempe. I have done all 19 marathons within the last 26 months!

The weather was beautiful, of course, and I had good company -- I met a fellow nicknamed "MacGyver," who was running for about a 5 1/2 hour finish, which is my usual time -- so we ran together. MacGyver is a member of Marathon Maniacs, and is acquainted with Industrial Bellybutton. I promised that after this marathon, I would join the Maniacs.

A little after the halfway point, we met another new friend, Kara from Michigan.

Unfortunately, Kara, who was a first-time marathoner, was having IT-band trouble. I don't know much about this injury, but MacGyver had had this trouble before, and knew what to do. MacGyver and I stayed with her, to help her get through the marathon. It did add to our time, but who cares about that? It was so much fun to experience a "first marathon" again (vicariously), and being in the company of these folks made the marathon a memorable and positive experience!

He showed her a few stretches, and we stopped several times to do them. We even caught the attention of another runner who was having IT-band trouble, and MacGyver had both of them doing stretches!

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