Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Political Agreement Quiz

I've been keeping an eye on the political news, and have had trouble figuring out which candidate I agree with most. It is hard to sort out, because I believe it is time to have a woman president, and I also believe it is time to have a black president. Both are overdue. But what if the white guy is the one most in sync with my political beliefs? I don't want to form my opinions based on gender or skin color, or personality. It's just hard not to be influenced.

So I took an online quiz, to get an objective view. I was a little surprised at the results.

The candidate I agree with the most? Hillary Clinton. (75% agreement)

Dennis Kucinich, not surprisingly, came in second with 73% agreement. But he does not have a chance, so let's move on.

Moving on down past the list of candidates who don't stand a chance, I found John Edwards and Barack Obama tied at a measly 60%.

Now I feel I can take a closer look at their positions. This quiz is not very accurate, because it does not take into account how important each issue is deemed to be.

But so far, the verdict is this: Hillary Clinton comes the closest to having the correct positions. (I can say it that way, because this is my blog. Of course, I would be the best president, but I'm too busy being Queen.)

(All the Republicans were heaped at the bottom, with some guy named Duncan Hunter at 0%)

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