Friday, October 31, 2008

Tomato Plant Requiem

I am in mourning. Today, I had to face up to the fact that my hydroponic garden was going nowhere.

I had to pull the plug.

I lit a monkey candle, and am grieving the loss of my tomatoes that never were.

It's not Aerogarden's fault. I think I just didn't know enough about how to prune tomatoes. I made some crucial mistakes early on, and the poor buggers didn't have a chance.

I know that not all of this is about tomatoes. I am dealing with some roadblocks in other areas of life, and going through a rough patch. I have known for a long time that my tomato garden was a lost cause. But now would be a good time to make a scapegoat of my fruitless gardening attempt, and throw it all into the dumpster. Maybe that will help me though the other difficulties as well.

I will be sad for a while. I don't know what the natural grieving process is for broken tomato dreams.

Pretty soon, I will try again. I've learned a few things about pruning, and Aerogardening. When the time is right, I'll take all of what I've learned in the process, and try again. Eventually, I will grow a successful tomato.

But now, I will cry.

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