Friday, October 24, 2008

Celebrate Normal!

I finished my round of annual women's health exams, by having a mammogram this morning.

Not my favorite thing to do. I hate going for these tests every year. Filling out the forms is enough of a hassle. But the whole thing is just uncomfortable. Talk about being vulnerable! There are a lot of other things I'd rather do on a Friday morning. Like working.

And so far, I've always been told "everything's fine!" I used to think, "well, that was a pain ~ glad it's over!" and go on with my day, slightly annoyed that I had to go through all that.

Last year, I decided to look at it in a new way. When you think about other possible scenarios, "everything's normal" is very good news indeed. It's fantastic. It's wonderful! It's the best thing that could possibly happen!

It calls for a celebration, in fact. We should never let these things go uncelebrated. I'm not going to throw a party, but I will quietly exult for the rest of the weekend. There was a Panera on the way home, so I stopped in and let them fix me a tuna sandwich, and I accepted potato chips as a kind of a treat. I don't eat potato chips every day, but with a clean bill of health, I figure I can indulge once in a while.

I won't celebrate with junk food all weekend, though. I started thinking about what kind of food would be appropriate to commemorate another year of good health. In honor of the mammogram, I think I will get some squash!


Anonymous said...

Squash for mammogram day? ::groan::

Anonymous said...

Dark chocolate! Go big :)