Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I am So Dense

When I had my first stress fracture (four years ago), one of the tests that the doctor ordered was a bone density screening. He advised me that my insurance company, Blue Cross, did not like to pay for this test, so I might have to pay for it myself.

I thought it would be a good test to have, so I hoped that the insurance would cover it. Who wouldn't want to know about their bone density? Maybe I had a bone density problem, and maybe that was why I had the stress fracture! Knowing this would help me choose actions that would avoid problems in the future, saving Blue Cross many thousands of dollars.

So I went for the test. And it made me Scared Straight. My bone density was not good. The doctor at the lab said that I was "on the verge of bone loss." But the good news is that this can be reversed somewhat by eating properly and taking calcium supplements.

He also said that I had a "hip axis length" that put me at considerably increased risk for hip fracture. There is nothing I can do about this, but I could take extra measures to keep my bones strong, so that I don't incur any more risk by having low bone density on top of it.

So I became a calcium junkie. I learned that the body has a hard time absorbing all the calcium you try to feed it, so it wouldn't hurt to take extra. Caffeine, especially, can interfere with the absorbtion of calcium. Well, I'm not going to give that up, so add more calcium.

From that day, I have taken 3 calcium pills a day (600 mg each), in addition to my multivitamin. I've been pretty religious about it, too.

I also learned that there is calcium in food ~ go figure! So I started eating real food with calcium and other good stuff in it, rather than the nutrient-poor foodlike substances I had been getting at the drive-thru restaurants. I haven't been quite as religious about that, but most people think I am a healthy eater. At least I eat healthier than I used to.

At the time of my Reformation, I thought "wouldn't it be nice if I could have this test again in a few years, to see if I reversed my bone loss?"

Well, I got my wish! All I had to do was break my leg again, and the doctor sent me for another bone density test, warning me that Blue Cross would not want to pay for it.

Guess what! It worked! My bones are now solidly in the "average" category for my age, and improved since the last exam. Taking calcium and eating right really did help.

I think sometimes we dismiss the importance of eating right, thinking it can't have an effect. So we go along eating our McDonalds and our pizza, and don't bother taking vitamins.

I have heard that strength-building exercise also improves the bones. That is the next thing I need to make a habit of, because I've been dismissing the importance of it. I'm determined to do everything I can to make up for having a long hip axis, so that when I am older, I will not break my hip, and I will save the insurance company so much money!!

Blue Cross needs to send me a thank you note.

1 comment:

Lesley Looper said...

Wow, great news! You took control of the bone density issue and it paid off! I know you're excited and relieved. Now you'll be in even better shape to do the 5K at 100.